
Showing posts from March, 2020

Quarantine Sucks and Covid 19: Political Edition

I’m self-quarantining. It sucks.             So, I’ve decided to stop moping about and get back to writing. I’m less motivated by a renewed interest in the craft and more by a desire to do something other than play Minecraft. On Sunday, I got back from Vermont after developing a minor cold on Saturday. My parents were not messing around – they promptly sent me to the basement sans hug. It’s now Tuesday and I’ve been informed that I should expect to remain here for at least fourteen days in total. Fair enough; I don’t want to mess around with Covid-19 anymore than anyone else does. But quarantine, or more specifically the social isolation that it comes with, is boring. So here I am.              My current plan is to try and write most days that I’m down here. I’ve found that increases in the quantitative-ness of my academic course load have correlated with a decline in my writing ability. So hopefully I can address that through this exercise. Additionally, the novelty of this